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covered in soil

  • 1 soil covered structure

    n захисне спорудження обсипного типу

    English-Ukrainian military dictionary > soil covered structure

  • 2 earthy

    1) [ person] spontaneo; [ humour] grossolano
    2) [taste, smell] di terra; [ colour] della terra
    * * *
    earthy /ˈɜ:ɵɪ/
    1 terroso; di terra: earthy flavour, sapore di terra (o terroso); earthy materials, sostanze terrose
    2 terreno; mondano; materiale
    3 realistico; pratico; schietto; robusto; concreto
    4 disinvolto; disinibito
    5 ( di umorismo, ecc.) grosso; grossolano.
    * * *
    1) [ person] spontaneo; [ humour] grossolano
    2) [taste, smell] di terra; [ colour] della terra

    English-Italian dictionary > earthy

  • 3 with

    1) (in the company of; beside; among; including: I was walking with my father; Do they enjoy playing with each other?; He used to play football with the Arsenal team; Put this book with the others.) med, på
    2) (by means of; using: Mend it with this glue; Cut it with a knife.) med
    3) (used in expressing the idea of filling, covering etc: Fill this jug with milk; He was covered with mud.) med, av
    4) (used in describing conflict: They quarrelled with each other; He fought with my brother.) med
    5) (used in descriptions of things: a man with a limp; a girl with long hair; a stick with a handle; Treat this book with care.) med
    6) (as the result of: He is shaking with fear.) av
    7) (in the care of: Leave your case with the porter.) hos
    8) (in relation to; in the case of; concerning: Be careful with that!; What's wrong with you?; What shall I do with these books?) med
    9) (used in expressing a wish: Down with fascism!; Up with Manchester United!) med
    prep. \/wɪħ\/, foran ustemt konsonant også: \/wɪθ\/
    1) (om samhørighet, følge eller retning) med, i selskap med, sammen med, samt, og, til, i
    come with us!
    John, with his two brothers, arrived later
    John, samt hans to brødre, kom senere
    2) (om (karakteristisk) trekk, klesplagg e.l.) med
    3) ( om middel eller materiale) med, for, av
    4) (om holdning, behandling eller fremgangsmåte) med, mot, på
    5) ( om ansvar) til, hos, for
    leave it with me!
    6) ( om nærhet eller forhold) hos, her hos, blant, (i likhet) med, når det gjelder, for
    what does she want with me?
    når det gjelder ham, kan du aldri vite
    we must conclude, with her, that the forecast was optimistic
    vi må, i likhet med henne, konkludere med at prognosen var optimistisk
    7) ( om samtidighet) med, i takt med, i proporsjon med
    he works with Smith & Co.
    han arbeider for Smith & Co.
    Mr. Smith is no longer with us
    Hr. Smith jobber ikke her lenger
    10) (om strid, kontrast eller skille) mot, med
    11) ( om motsetning) (på) tross (av), med
    I like her, with all her faults
    be with someone være enig med noen, støtte noen, holde med noen
    are you with me?
    ( hverdagslig) forstå hva noen mener, henge med
    are you with me?
    with it ( hverdagslig) moderne, in våken, kvikk i tillegg, dessuten
    with that\/this dermed, med det

    English-Norwegian dictionary > with

  • 4 earthy

    1 ( natural) [person, wisdom, humour] truculent ; [vigour] primitif/-ive ;
    2 [taste, smell, colour] de terre ;
    3 ( covered in soil) terreux/-euse.

    Big English-French dictionary > earthy

  • 5 embankment pipeline

    (soil covered pipelines) труба, лежая на земле и присыпанная землей

    Pipeline dictionary > embankment pipeline

  • 6 ground

    past tense, past participle; = grind
    ground1 n
    1. suelo / tierra / terreno
    2. campo
    ground2 vb
    1 (surface of earth) suelo; (soil, earth) tierra; (terrain, land) terreno
    3 SMALLAMERICAN ENGLISH/SMALL (electrical) tierra
    4 SMALLART/SMALL (background) fondo
    5 (area of knowledge, experience) terreno
    7 (matter, subject) aspecto, punto
    1 (plane) obligar a quedarse en tierra; (boat) varar, hacer encallar
    2 SMALLAMERICAN ENGLISH/SMALL familiar (child, teenager) castigar, no dejar salir
    3 (base) fundar
    1 (instruct) dar buenos conocimientos (in, de), enseñar los conocimientos básicos
    1 SMALLAMERICAN ENGLISH/SMALL (electrical apparatus) conectar a tierra
    1 (ship) encallar
    1 (reason, justification) razón nombre femenino, motivo
    above ground vivo,-a
    below ground muerto,-a
    on the ground sobre el terreno
    to be on one's own ground estar en su elemento
    to break new ground abrir nuevos caminos, abrir nuevos horizontes
    to burn something to the ground reducir algo a cenizas
    to cut the ground from under somebody's feet tomarle la delantera a alguien
    to drive/run/work oneself into the ground dejarse el pellejo en el trabajo
    to gain ground ganar terreno
    to get off the ground (plan, project, scheme) llevarse a cabo, realizarse
    to go to ground esconderse
    to hold/keep/stand one's ground mantenerse firme
    to lose ground perder terreno
    to prepare the ground (for something) preparar el terreno (para algo)
    to shift/change one's ground cambiar de postura
    to suit somebody down to the ground (situation) venirle a alguien de perlas 2 (clothes) quedarle a alguien que ni pintado
    to touch ground SMALLMARITIME/SMALL tocar fondo
    ground control control nombre masculino de tierra
    ground floor planta baja
    ground glass vidrio molido, cristal nombre masculino molido
    ground staff (at airport) personal nombre masculino de tierra 2 (at sports stadium) personal nombre masculino de mantenimiento
    ground swell mar m & f de fondo
    1→ link=grind grind{
    1 (coffee) molido,-a
    2 SMALLAMERICAN ENGLISH/SMALL (beef) picado,-a
    ground ['graʊnd] vt
    1) base: fundar, basar
    2) instruct: enseñar los conocimientos básicos a
    to be well grounded in: ser muy entendido en
    3) : conectar a tierra (un aparato eléctrico)
    4) : varar, hacer encallar (un barco)
    5) : restringir (un avión o un piloto) a la tierra
    1) earth, soil: suelo m, tierra f
    to dig (in) the ground: cavar la tierra
    to fall to the ground: caerse al suelo
    2) land, terrain: terreno m
    hilly ground: terreno alto
    to lose ground: perder terreno
    3) basis, reason: razón f, motivo m
    grounds for complaint: motivos de queja
    4) background: fondo m
    5) field: campo m, plaza f
    parade ground: plaza de armas
    6) : tierra f (para electricidad)
    7) grounds npl
    premises: recinto m, terreno m
    8) grounds npl
    dregs: posos mpl (de café)
    deslustrado, -a adj.
    fundamental adj.
    molido, -a adj.
    suelo, -a adj.
    terrestre adj.
    tierra (Electricidad) adj.
    base s.m.
    campo s.m.
    fondo s.m.
    masa s.f.
    suelo s.m.
    terreno s.m.
    tierra s.f.
    pret., p.p.
    (Preterito definido y participio pasivo de "to grind")
    basar v.
    establecer v.
    fundar v.
    varar v.

    I graʊnd
    1) u (land, terrain) terreno m

    to be on dangerous o slippery ground — pisar terreno peligroso

    to be on safe o firm o solid ground — pisar terreno firme

    to be sure of one's groundsaber* qué terreno se pisa

    to change o shift one's ground — cambiar de postura

    to fall on stony groundcaer* en saco roto

    to gain/lose ground — ganar/perder* terreno

    to stand/hold one's ground — ( in argument) mantenerse* firme, no ceder terreno; ( in battle) no ceder terreno

    2) grounds pl ( premises) terreno m; ( gardens) jardines mpl, parque m
    3) u ( surface of the earth) suelo m; ( soil) tierra f

    to fall/drop to the ground — caer* al suelo

    thin on the ground — (BrE colloq)

    to break new o fresh ground — abrir* nuevos caminos

    to cut the ground from under somebody/somebody's feet: his evidence cut the ground from under the prosecuting lawyer's feet su testimonio echó por tierra el argumento del fiscal; his sudden change of mind cut the ground from under me su inesperado cambio de opinión echó por tierra todos mis planes; to get off the ground \<\<plan/project\>\> llegar* a concretarse; \<\<talks\>\> empezar* a encaminarse; to get something off the ground \<\<project\>\> poner* algo en marcha; to go to ground (BrE) \<\<fugitive\>\> esconderse; ( lit) \<\<fox\>\> meterse en la madriguera; to prepare the ground for something preparar el terreno para algo; to run o work oneself into the ground: you're working yourself into the ground te estás dejando el pellejo en el trabajo (fam); to suit somebody down to the ground (colloq) \<\<arrangement\>\> venirle* de perlas a alguien (fam); \<\<hat\>\> quedarle que ni pintado a alguien (fam); to worship the ground somebody walks on besar la tierra que pisa alguien; (before n) < conditions> del terreno; <personnel, support> de tierra; ground frost — helada f ( con escarcha sobre el suelo)

    4) u (matter, subject)
    5) c ( outdoor site)

    football ground — (BrE) campo m de fútbol, cancha f de fútbol (AmL)

    6) u (AmE Elec) tierra f
    7) ( justification) (usu pl) motivo m

    grounds for divorcecausal f de divorcio

    on financial grounds — por motivos económicos, por razones económicas

    they refused to do it, on the grounds that... — se negaron a hacerlo, alegando or aduciendo que...

    8) grounds pl ( dregs)

    coffee groundsposos mpl de café

    a) ( base) \<\<argument/theory\>\> fundar, cimentar*
    b) ( instruct)
    a) \<\<plane\>\> retirar del servicio
    b) \<\<child/teenager\>\> (esp AmE colloq)

    I can't go out tonight; I'm grounded — no puedo salir esta noche, estoy castigado or no me dejan

    3) ( Naut) \<\<ship\>\> hacer* encallar
    4) ( Sport) (in US football, rugby) \<\<ball\>\> poner* en tierra; ( in baseball) \<\<ball\>\> hacer* rodar
    5) (AmE Elec) conectar a tierra

    vi ( Naut) encallar, varar

    past & past p of grind I

    adjective <coffee/pepper> molido

    ground beef — (AmE) carne f molida or (Esp, RPl) picada

    I [ɡraʊnd]
    1. N
    1) (=soil) tierra f, suelo m
    2) (=terrain) terreno m

    high/hilly ground — terreno m alto/montañoso

    to break new ground — hacer algo nuevo

    common ground — terreno m común

    to cover a lot of ground — (lit) recorrer una gran distancia

    to be on dangerous ground — entrar en territorio peligroso

    to be on firm ground — hablar con conocimiento de causa

    to gain ground — ganar terreno

    to go to ground — [fox] meterse en su madriguera; [person] esconderse, refugiarse

    to hold one's ground — (lit) no ceder terreno; (fig) mantenerse firme

    to be on (one's) home ground — tratar materia que uno conoce a fondo

    to lose ground — perder terreno

    to run sb to ground — localizar (por fin) a algn, averiguar el paradero de algn

    to shift one's ground — cambiar de postura

    to stand one's ground — (lit) no ceder terreno; (fig) mantenerse firme

    to be on sure ground — hablar con conocimiento de causa

    - cut the ground from under sb's feet
    prepare 1.
    3) (=surface) suelo m, tierra f

    above ground — sobre la tierra

    below ground — debajo de la tierra

    to fall to the ground — (lit) caerse al suelo; (fig) fracasar

    to get off the ground — [aircraft] despegar; [plans etc] ponerse en marcha

    on the ground — en el suelo

    4) (=pitch) terreno m, campo m
    parade 4., recreation
    5) (=estate, property) tierras fpl
    6) grounds (=gardens) jardines mpl, parque msing
    7) (Art etc) (=background) fondo m, trasfondo m
    8) (US) (Elec) tierra f
    9) (=reason) (usu pl) razón f, motivo m; (=basis) fundamento m

    grounds for complaint — motivos mpl de queja

    what ground(s) do you have for saying so? — ¿en qué se basa para decir eso?

    on the ground(s) of... — con motivo de..., por causa de..., debido a...

    on the ground(s) that... — a causa de que..., por motivo de que...

    2. VT
    1) [+ ship] varar, hacer encallar
    2) [+ plane, pilot] obligar a permanecer en tierra
    3) (US) (Elec) conectar con tierra
    4) (=teach)

    to be well grounded in — tener un buen conocimiento de, estar versado en

    5) (esp US) [+ student] encerrar, no dejar salir
    VI (Naut) encallar, varar; (lightly) tocar (on en)

    ground attack Nataque m de tierra; (Aer) ataque m a superficie

    ground bass Nbajo m rítmico

    ground colour Nfondo m, primera capa f

    ground control N — (Aer) control m desde tierra

    ground crew N — (Aer) personal m de tierra

    ground floor N(Brit) planta f baja

    ground-floor flat(Brit) piso m or (LAm) departamento m de planta baja

    ground forces NPL — (Mil) fuerzas fpl de tierra

    ground ivy Nhiedra f terrestre

    ground level Nnivel m del suelo

    ground plan Nplano m, planta f

    ground pollution Ncontaminación f del suelo

    ground rent N(esp Brit) alquiler m del terreno

    ground rules NPLreglas fpl básicas

    ground staff N= ground crew

    ground troops NPLtropas fpl de tierra

    ground wire N(US) cable m de toma de tierra

    Ground Zero N (in New York) zona f cero

    II [ɡraʊnd]
    PP of grind
    ADJ [coffee etc] molido; [glass] deslustrado; (US) [meat] picado
    grounds [of coffee] poso msing, sedimento msing

    ground almonds NPLalmendras fpl molidas

    ground beef N(US) picadillo m

    * * *

    I [graʊnd]
    1) u (land, terrain) terreno m

    to be on dangerous o slippery ground — pisar terreno peligroso

    to be on safe o firm o solid ground — pisar terreno firme

    to be sure of one's groundsaber* qué terreno se pisa

    to change o shift one's ground — cambiar de postura

    to fall on stony groundcaer* en saco roto

    to gain/lose ground — ganar/perder* terreno

    to stand/hold one's ground — ( in argument) mantenerse* firme, no ceder terreno; ( in battle) no ceder terreno

    2) grounds pl ( premises) terreno m; ( gardens) jardines mpl, parque m
    3) u ( surface of the earth) suelo m; ( soil) tierra f

    to fall/drop to the ground — caer* al suelo

    thin on the ground — (BrE colloq)

    to break new o fresh ground — abrir* nuevos caminos

    to cut the ground from under somebody/somebody's feet: his evidence cut the ground from under the prosecuting lawyer's feet su testimonio echó por tierra el argumento del fiscal; his sudden change of mind cut the ground from under me su inesperado cambio de opinión echó por tierra todos mis planes; to get off the ground \<\<plan/project\>\> llegar* a concretarse; \<\<talks\>\> empezar* a encaminarse; to get something off the ground \<\<project\>\> poner* algo en marcha; to go to ground (BrE) \<\<fugitive\>\> esconderse; ( lit) \<\<fox\>\> meterse en la madriguera; to prepare the ground for something preparar el terreno para algo; to run o work oneself into the ground: you're working yourself into the ground te estás dejando el pellejo en el trabajo (fam); to suit somebody down to the ground (colloq) \<\<arrangement\>\> venirle* de perlas a alguien (fam); \<\<hat\>\> quedarle que ni pintado a alguien (fam); to worship the ground somebody walks on besar la tierra que pisa alguien; (before n) < conditions> del terreno; <personnel, support> de tierra; ground frost — helada f ( con escarcha sobre el suelo)

    4) u (matter, subject)
    5) c ( outdoor site)

    football ground — (BrE) campo m de fútbol, cancha f de fútbol (AmL)

    6) u (AmE Elec) tierra f
    7) ( justification) (usu pl) motivo m

    grounds for divorcecausal f de divorcio

    on financial grounds — por motivos económicos, por razones económicas

    they refused to do it, on the grounds that... — se negaron a hacerlo, alegando or aduciendo que...

    8) grounds pl ( dregs)

    coffee groundsposos mpl de café

    a) ( base) \<\<argument/theory\>\> fundar, cimentar*
    b) ( instruct)
    a) \<\<plane\>\> retirar del servicio
    b) \<\<child/teenager\>\> (esp AmE colloq)

    I can't go out tonight; I'm grounded — no puedo salir esta noche, estoy castigado or no me dejan

    3) ( Naut) \<\<ship\>\> hacer* encallar
    4) ( Sport) (in US football, rugby) \<\<ball\>\> poner* en tierra; ( in baseball) \<\<ball\>\> hacer* rodar
    5) (AmE Elec) conectar a tierra

    vi ( Naut) encallar, varar

    past & past p of grind I

    adjective <coffee/pepper> molido

    ground beef — (AmE) carne f molida or (Esp, RPl) picada

    English-spanish dictionary > ground

  • 7 dirt

    noun, no pl.
    1) Schmutz, der; Dreck, der (ugs.)

    be covered in dirt — ganz schmutzig sein; (stronger) vor Schmutz starren

    treat somebody like dirt — jemanden wie [den letzten] Dreck behandeln (salopp)

    2) (soil) Erde, die
    * * *
    [də:t] 1. noun
    (any unclean substance, such as mud, dust, dung etc: His shoes are covered in dirt.) der Schmutz
    - academic.ru/20724/dirty">dirty
    2. verb
    (to make or become dirty: He dirtied his hands/shoes.) beschmutzen
    - dirtiness
    - dirt-cheap
    - dirt track
    * * *
    [dɜ:t, AM dɜ:rt]
    1. (filth) Schmutz m, Dreck m
    to be covered in \dirt ganz schmutzig sein
    to live in \dirt im Dreck leben
    to show \dirt of cloth, etc. den Schmutz sehen lassen
    2. (soil) Erde f, Boden m; (mud) Schlamm m, Morast m
    3. (obscenity) obszöne [o vulgäre] Sprache, unflätige Reden pl
    don't talk \dirt rede nicht so obszön daher
    4. (rumour) [üble] Verleumdung [o Nachrede], schmutzige Wäsche, Schmutz m; (gossip) Klatsch m fam, Tratsch m fam
    the \dirt on everyone der neueste Klatsch zu allen und jeden
    to dig for \dirt nach Skandalen suchen
    5. ( fam: excrement) Dreck m, Kot m, Scheiße f fam
    dog \dirt Hundedreck m, Hundescheiße f fam
    to eat \dirt ( fam) Beleidigungen schlucken, sich akk widerspruchslos demütigen lassen
    to treat sb like \dirt jdn wie [den letzten] Dreck behandeln fam
    * * *
    1) Schmutz m; (= soil) Erde f; (= excrement) Dreck m

    to treat sb like dirtjdn wie ( den letzten) Dreck behandeln (inf)

    he looked at me as though I was a piece of dirter sah mich an, als wäre ich ein Stück Dreck (inf)

    2) (fig: obscenity) Schmutz m
    * * *
    dirt [dɜːt; US dɜrt] s
    1. Schmutz m, Kot m, Dreck m umg
    2. (lockere) Erde
    3. fig Plunder m, Schund m (beide pej)
    4. fig (moralischer) Schmutz
    5. fig Schmutz m:
    a) unflätiges Reden
    b) üble Verleumdungen pl, Gemeinheit(en) f(pl)Besondere Redewendungen: hard dirt Schutt m;
    soft dirt Müll m, Kehricht m/n;
    they are (as) common as dirt
    a) es gibt sie wie Sand am Meer,
    b) sie sind schrecklich gewöhnlich;
    do sb dirt sl jemanden in gemeiner Weise reinlegen;
    eat dirt sich widerspruchslos demütigen lassen;
    make sb eat dirt jemanden demütigen;
    fling ( oder throw) dirt at sb jemanden mit Dreck bewerfen, jemanden in den Schmutz ziehen;
    treat sb like dirt jemanden wie (den letzten) Dreck behandeln; cheap A 1
    * * *
    noun, no pl.
    1) Schmutz, der; Dreck, der (ugs.)

    be covered in dirt — ganz schmutzig sein; (stronger) vor Schmutz starren

    treat somebody like dirt — jemanden wie [den letzten] Dreck behandeln (salopp)

    2) (soil) Erde, die
    * * *
    Dreck nur sing. m.
    Schmutz m.
    Verschmutzung f.

    English-german dictionary > dirt

  • 8 dirt

    1. noun
    (any unclean substance, such as mud, dust, dung etc: His shoes are covered in dirt.) suciedad

    2. verb
    (to make or become dirty: He dirtied his hands/shoes.) ensuciar; ensuciarse
    - dirt-cheap
    - dirt track

    dirt n
    1. suciedad
    2. tierra
    1 (dirtiness) suciedad nombre femenino; (filth, grime) mugre nombre femenino, roña, porquería; (mud) barro; (dust) polvo
    2 (earth) tierra
    3 familiar (excrement) porquería, mierda, caca
    4 familiar (scandal, gossip) chismes nombre masculino plural, trapos nombre masculino plural sucios
    5 familiar (obscene thought, talk) porquerías nombre femenino plural, guarradas nombre femenino plural
    to be as common as dirt ser muy ordinario,-a
    to fling/throw dirt at somebody manchar la reputación de alguien
    to treat somebody like dirt tratar a alguien como a un perro, tratar a alguien como una zapatilla
    dirt track camino de tierra
    dirt ['dərt] n
    1) filth: suciedad f, mugre f, porquería f
    2) soil: tierra f
    barro s.m.
    gorrinería s.f.
    horrura s.f.
    lodo s.m.
    mugre s.f.
    porquería s.f.
    suciedad s.f.
    suelo s.m.
    tierra s.f.
    dɜːrt, dɜːt
    mass noun
    1) ( unclean substance) suciedad f, mugre f
    a) ( scandal)

    to dig up dirt on o about somebody — sacarle* los trapos sucios a relucir or al sol a alguien

    b) ( obscenity) (esp BrE colloq) inmundicia f
    3) (earth, soil) (esp AmE) tierra f

    to hit the dirt — (sl) caerse* al suelo; (before n) <road, track> de tierra

    1. N
    1) (=unclean matter) suciedad f ; (=piece of dirt) suciedad f, mugre f

    to treat sb like dirt * — tratar a algn como si fuese basura, tratar a patadas a algn

    - dig up dirt on sb
    2) (=earth) tierra f ; (=mud) barro m, lodo m
    3) * (=obscenity) porquerías fpl, cochinadas * fpl

    dirt bike Nmoto f todoterreno

    dirt farmer * N(US) pequeño granjero m (sin obreros)

    dirt road N(US) camino m de tierra

    dirt track N — (Sport) pista f de ceniza; (=road) camino m de tierra

    * * *
    [dɜːrt, dɜːt]
    mass noun
    1) ( unclean substance) suciedad f, mugre f
    a) ( scandal)

    to dig up dirt on o about somebody — sacarle* los trapos sucios a relucir or al sol a alguien

    b) ( obscenity) (esp BrE colloq) inmundicia f
    3) (earth, soil) (esp AmE) tierra f

    to hit the dirt — (sl) caerse* al suelo; (before n) <road, track> de tierra

    English-spanish dictionary > dirt

  • 9 cover

    [English Word] be covered
    [Swahili Word] -finikwa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] finika v
    [English Word] be covered
    [Swahili Word] -funikwa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] funika v
    [English Word] be covered
    [Swahili Word] -gubikwa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] gubi n
    [English Word] be covered
    [Swahili Word] -vumbikwa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] passive
    [Derived Word] vumbika V
    [Swahili Example] kuvumbikwa ndani, useme embe mbichi [Moh]
    [English Word] be covered (of a roof)
    [Swahili Word] -ezekwa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] passive
    [Swahili Example] nyumba zake zilikuwa zimeezekwa bati [Sul]
    [English Word] be covered by water
    [Swahili Word] -finikwa na maji
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] be covered up
    [Swahili Word] -sitirika
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Example] we have not been covered slightly
    [Swahili Example] tumesitirika si haba
    [English Word] be covered with
    [Swahili Word] -miminiwa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] appl-pass
    [Derived Word] mimina V
    [English Word] book cover
    [Swahili Word] jalada
    [Swahili Plural] jalada
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [English Word] canvas cover
    [Swahili Word] durufu
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] cover
    [Swahili Word] gamba
    [Swahili Plural] magamba
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [English Word] cover
    [Swahili Word] jalada
    [Swahili Plural] majalada
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 5/6
    [English Word] cover
    [Swahili Word] jalada
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Derived Word] jalidi
    [Swahili Example] jalada ya karatasi
    [English Word] cover
    [English Plural] covers
    [Swahili Word] kifuniko
    [Swahili Plural] vifuniko
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] -funika
    [English Word] cover
    [English Plural] covers
    [Swahili Word] kingio
    [Swahili Plural] kingio
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] -kinga
    [English Word] cover
    [English Plural] covers
    [Swahili Word] kisetiri
    [Swahili Plural] visetiri
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8
    [Derived Language] Arabic
    [Related Words] -stiri
    [English Word] cover
    [English Plural] covers
    [Swahili Word] kitandiko
    [Swahili Plural] vitandiko
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 7/8
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] -tandika
    [English Word] cover
    [English Plural] covers
    [Swahili Word] mfuniko
    [Swahili Plural] mifuniko
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 3/4
    [Derived Language] Swahili
    [Derived Word] -funika
    [English Word] cover
    [Swahili Word] stara
    [Swahili Plural] stara
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [English Word] cover
    [English Plural] covers
    [Swahili Word] tabaka
    [Swahili Plural] tabaka
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [English Word] cover
    [Swahili Word] tumba
    [Swahili Plural] tumba
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [Class] 9/10
    [English Word] cover
    [Swahili Word] -ezeka
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Example] cover a roof [with grass, straw]
    [Swahili Example] ezeka nyumba
    [English Word] cover
    [Swahili Word] -finika
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Swahili Example] [upepo] uliingia ndani ya nyumba na Zakaria [...] alijifinika [Kez]
    [English Word] cover
    [Swahili Word] -funika
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Swahili Example] [upepo] uliingia ndani ya nyumba na Zakaria [...] alijifunika [Kez]
    [English Word] cover
    [Swahili Word] -kafini
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Swahili Example] kafini (kwa) sanda
    [Note] rare
    [English Word] cover
    [Swahili Word] -kinga
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] cover
    [Swahili Word] -kwea
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] kweleo N, kwezi Adj
    [English Word] cover
    [Swahili Word] -tabiki
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] cover
    [Swahili Word] -tabikisha
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Class] causative
    [English Word] cover
    [Swahili Word] -tanda
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Example] to cover him/her
    [Swahili Example] kumetanda
    [English Word] cover
    [Swahili Word] -vaa
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Swahili Example] baridi nyembamba ilimvaa [Moh]
    [English Word] cover
    [Swahili Word] -visha
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] vaa V
    [English Word] cover
    [Swahili Word] -wamba
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Swahili Example] wamba ngoma
    [English Word] cover
    [Swahili Word] -pamba
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] cover (of a book etc.)
    [Swahili Word] uo
    [Swahili Plural] nyuo
    [Part of Speech] noun
    [English Word] cover (up)
    [Swahili Word] -setiri
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] stara N
    [English Word] cover (up)
    [Swahili Word] -stiri
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] stara N
    [English Word] cover oneself
    [Swahili Word] -jifinika
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] cover oneself
    [Swahili Word] -jifunika
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] cover oneself from head to foot
    [Swahili Word] -gubigubi
    [Swahili Plural] gubigubi
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] cover oneself with a garment
    [Swahili Word] -jitanda
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Swahili Definition] kujifunika na kitambaa au nguo
    [English Word] cover over
    [Swahili Word] -gubika
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Derived Word] gubi n
    [Swahili Example] uso kaugubika kwenye mto ambao ulikuwa umeroa machozi [Moh]
    [English Word] cover up
    [Swahili Word] -sitiri
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] cover up to ripen
    [Swahili Word] -vumbika
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] cover with soil
    [Swahili Word] -fukia
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Word] have something covered
    [Swahili Word] -finikisha
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Example] the water has flooded the land
    [Swahili Example] maji yameifinikisha nchi
    [English Word] have something covered
    [Swahili Word] -finikiza
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Swahili Example] maji yameifinikiza nchi
    [English Word] have something covered
    [Swahili Word] -funikisha
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [English Example] the water has flooded the land
    [Swahili Example] maji yameifunikisha nchi
    [English Word] have something covered
    [Swahili Word] -funikiza
    [Part of Speech] verb
    [Swahili Example] maji yameifunikiza nchi
    [English Word] take cover
    [Swahili Word] -ficha
    [Part of Speech] verb

    English-Swahili dictionary > cover

  • 10 mould

    I mould noun
    1) ((soil which is full of) rotted leaves etc.) mantillo
    2) (a growth on stale food etc: This bread is covered with mould.) moho
    - mouldiness
    1. məuld noun
    1) (a shape into which a substance in liquid form is poured so that it may take on that shape when it cools and hardens: a jelly mould.)
    2) (something, especially a food, formed in a mould.)

    2. verb
    1) (to form in a mould: The metal is moulded into long bars.) moldear
    2) (to work into a shape: He moulded the clay into a ball.) modelar
    3) (to make the shape of (something): She moulded the figure out of/in clay.) modelar
    1. molde
    2. moho
    Se escribe mould en inglés británico, en inglés americano se escribe mold
    1 (figure) moldear; (clay) modelar
    to be cast in the same mould ser cortado,-a por el mismo patrón
    to break the mould romper moldes
    1 (growth) moho
    1 (loose soil) mantillo
    mould ['mo:ld] mold
    molde s.m.

    (US) [mǝʊld] N (=fungus) moho m ; (=iron mould) orín m
    II mold (US) [mǝʊld]
    N (Art, Culin, Tech etc) molde m

    to break the mould —

    2. VT
    1) (=fashion) moldear; (=cast) vaciar
    2) (fig) formar

    it is moulded on... — está hecho según...

    to mould o.s. on sb — tomar a algn como ejemplo

    (US) [mǝʊld] N (=soil) mantillo m
    * * *

    English-spanish dictionary > mould

  • 11 mould

    mold [məʊld] nome (cast) stampo m., forma f.

    to be cast in the same mouldfig. essere dello stesso stampo

    II 1.
    mold [məʊld] verbo transitivo
    1) modellare [plastic, clay] ( into a forma di); modellare [sculpture, shape] (out of, from, in in)
    2) fig. plasmare [ character]; formare [ opinion] ( into su)

    to mould to o round sth. modellarsi su qcs.; to be moulded to sb.'s body — [dress etc.] modellare le forme di qcn

    mold [məʊld] nome (soil) terriccio m.
    mold [məʊld] nome (fungi) muffa f.
    * * *
    I [mould] noun
    1) ((soil which is full of) rotted leaves etc.)
    2) (a growth on stale food etc: This bread is covered with mould.)
    - mouldiness II 1. [məuld] noun
    1) (a shape into which a substance in liquid form is poured so that it may take on that shape when it cools and hardens: a jelly mould.)
    2) (something, especially a food, formed in a mould.)
    2. verb
    1) (to form in a mould: The metal is moulded into long bars.)
    2) (to work into a shape: He moulded the clay into a ball.)
    3) (to make the shape of (something): She moulded the figure out of/in clay.)
    * * *
    (fungus) muffa
    1. n
    Art, Culin, Tech stampo, forma
    2. vt
    (clay, figure) plasmare, modellare, (fig: character) plasmare, formare, foggiare
    * * *
    mould (1), ( USA) mold (1) /məʊld/
    n. [u]
    1 (agric.) terriccio
    2 (poet.) terra; polvere.
    mould (2), ( USA) mold (2) /məʊld/
    1 (metall., mecc., ecc.) forma; matrice; modello; stampo: a plaster mould, una forma per calchi in gesso
    2 (tecn.) forma, sagoma (stampata) ( forma esemplare): the mould of a car, la sagoma di un'automobile
    3 ( cucina) stampo, stampino; ( anche) sformato; budino
    4 (archit.) modanatura
    5 (fig.) carattere; stampo; tempra: to be of a soft mould, essere di carattere mite; to break the mould, rompere gli schemi
    6 (ind. costr.) cassaforma ( per cemento armato)
    7 (geol.) modello; ( anche) impronta ( di un fossile)
    mould and tool makers, fabbricanti di stampi e di utensili □ mould candle, candela fatta con lo stampo □ (tecn.) mould-made paper, carta tamburata □ (fig.) to be made in sb. 's mould, essere dello stesso stampo di q. □ ( fonderia) metal mould, conchiglia □ They are cast in the same mould, sembrano ricavati dallo stesso stampo; sono perfettamente identici.
    mould (3), ( USA) mold (3) /məʊld/
    n. [uc]
    iron mould, macchia di ruggine.
    (to) mould (1), ( USA) to mold (1) /məʊld/
    v. t.
    1 ( anche fig.) foggiare; modellare; formare, plasmare: to mould a clay statuette, modellare una statuetta di creta; to mould sb. 's character, plasmare il carattere di q.
    2 (archit.) modanare
    3 (metall.) formare; costruire la forma di
    to mould bread, dare forma ai pani; ridurre l'impasto in pagnotte □ (metall.) to mould iron, fondere il ferro; formare la ghisa ( mediante staffe).
    (to) mould (2), ( USA) to mold (2) /məʊld/
    A v. i.
    ammuffire; muffire: Bread moulds in damp weather, il pane ammuffisce con l'umidità
    B v. t.
    far ammuffire.
    * * *
    mold [məʊld] nome (cast) stampo m., forma f.

    to be cast in the same mouldfig. essere dello stesso stampo

    II 1.
    mold [məʊld] verbo transitivo
    1) modellare [plastic, clay] ( into a forma di); modellare [sculpture, shape] (out of, from, in in)
    2) fig. plasmare [ character]; formare [ opinion] ( into su)

    to mould to o round sth. modellarsi su qcs.; to be moulded to sb.'s body — [dress etc.] modellare le forme di qcn

    mold [məʊld] nome (soil) terriccio m.
    mold [məʊld] nome (fungi) muffa f.

    English-Italian dictionary > mould

  • 12 land

    [lænd] 1. noun
    1) (the solid part of the surface of the Earth which is covered by the sea: We had been at sea a week before we saw land.) land
    2) (a country: foreign lands.) land
    3) (the ground or soil: He never made any money at farming as his land was poor and stony.) jord
    4) (an estate: He owns land/lands in Scotland.) land; jord
    2. verb
    1) (to come or bring down from the air upon the land: The plane landed in a field; They managed to land the helicopter safely; She fell twenty feet, but landed without injury.) lande
    2) (to come or bring from the sea on to the land: After being at sea for three months, they landed at Plymouth; He landed the big fish with some help.) lande; fange
    3) (to (cause to) get into a particular (usually unfortunate) situation: Don't drive so fast - you'll land (yourself) in hospital/trouble!) ende; havne


    (a type of strong motor vehicle used for driving over rough ground.) terrængående køretøj

    - landing-gear
    - landing-stage
    - landlocked
    - landlord
    - landmark
    - land mine
    - landowner
    - landslide
    - landslide victory
    - landslide
    - landslide defeat
    - land up
    - land with
    - see how the land lies
    * * *
    [lænd] 1. noun
    1) (the solid part of the surface of the Earth which is covered by the sea: We had been at sea a week before we saw land.) land
    2) (a country: foreign lands.) land
    3) (the ground or soil: He never made any money at farming as his land was poor and stony.) jord
    4) (an estate: He owns land/lands in Scotland.) land; jord
    2. verb
    1) (to come or bring down from the air upon the land: The plane landed in a field; They managed to land the helicopter safely; She fell twenty feet, but landed without injury.) lande
    2) (to come or bring from the sea on to the land: After being at sea for three months, they landed at Plymouth; He landed the big fish with some help.) lande; fange
    3) (to (cause to) get into a particular (usually unfortunate) situation: Don't drive so fast - you'll land (yourself) in hospital/trouble!) ende; havne


    (a type of strong motor vehicle used for driving over rough ground.) terrængående køretøj

    - landing-gear
    - landing-stage
    - landlocked
    - landlord
    - landmark
    - land mine
    - landowner
    - landslide
    - landslide victory
    - landslide
    - landslide defeat
    - land up
    - land with
    - see how the land lies

    English-Danish dictionary > land

  • 13 moor

    I [muə] noun
    (a large stretch of open, unfarmed land with poor soil often covered with heather, coarse grass etc.) hede
    II [muə] verb
    (to fasten (a ship etc) by a rope, cable or anchor: We moored (the yacht) in the bay.) fortøje; ankre op
    - moorings
    * * *
    I [muə] noun
    (a large stretch of open, unfarmed land with poor soil often covered with heather, coarse grass etc.) hede
    II [muə] verb
    (to fasten (a ship etc) by a rope, cable or anchor: We moored (the yacht) in the bay.) fortøje; ankre op
    - moorings

    English-Danish dictionary > moor

  • 14 mould

    I [mould] noun
    1) ((soil which is full of) rotted leaves etc.) muld
    2) (a growth on stale food etc: This bread is covered with mould.) mug
    - mouldiness II 1. [məuld] noun
    1) (a shape into which a substance in liquid form is poured so that it may take on that shape when it cools and hardens: a jelly mould.) form; -form
    2) (something, especially a food, formed in a mould.) støbning
    2. verb
    1) (to form in a mould: The metal is moulded into long bars.) forme
    2) (to work into a shape: He moulded the clay into a ball.) forme
    3) (to make the shape of (something): She moulded the figure out of/in clay.) forme
    * * *
    I [mould] noun
    1) ((soil which is full of) rotted leaves etc.) muld
    2) (a growth on stale food etc: This bread is covered with mould.) mug
    - mouldiness II 1. [məuld] noun
    1) (a shape into which a substance in liquid form is poured so that it may take on that shape when it cools and hardens: a jelly mould.) form; -form
    2) (something, especially a food, formed in a mould.) støbning
    2. verb
    1) (to form in a mould: The metal is moulded into long bars.) forme
    2) (to work into a shape: He moulded the clay into a ball.) forme
    3) (to make the shape of (something): She moulded the figure out of/in clay.) forme

    English-Danish dictionary > mould

  • 15 stony

    1) (full of, or covered with, stones: stony soil; a stony path/beach; It's very stony around here.) stenet
    2) ((of a person's expression etc) like stone in coldness, hardness etc: He gave me a stony stare.) isnende
    * * *
    1) (full of, or covered with, stones: stony soil; a stony path/beach; It's very stony around here.) stenet
    2) ((of a person's expression etc) like stone in coldness, hardness etc: He gave me a stony stare.) isnende

    English-Danish dictionary > stony

  • 16 scratch

    1. transitive verb
    1) (score surface of) zerkratzen; verkratzen; (score skin of) kratzen

    scratch the surface [of something] — [Geschoss usw.:] [etwas] streifen

    he has only scratched the surface [of the problem] — er hat das Problem nur oberflächlich gestreift

    2) (get scratch on)

    scratch oneself/one's hands — etc. sich schrammen/sich (Dat.) die Hände usw. zerkratzen od. [zer]schrammen od. ritzen

    3) (scrape without marking) kratzen; kratzen an (+ Dat.) [Insektenstich usw.]

    scratch oneself/one's arm — etc. sich kratzen/sich (Dat.) den Arm usw. od. am Arm usw. kratzen; abs. [Person:] sich kratzen

    scratch one's headsich am Kopf kratzen

    scratch one's head [over something] — (fig.) sich (Dat.) den Kopf über etwas (Akk.) zerbrechen

    you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours(fig. coll.) eine Hand wäscht die andere (Spr.)

    4) (form) kratzen, ritzen [Buchstaben etc.]; kratzen, scharren [Loch] (in in + Akk.)
    5) (erase from list) streichen ( from aus); (withdraw from competition) von der Starter- od. Teilnehmerliste streichen [Rennpferd, Athleten]
    2. intransitive verb
    2) (scrape) [Huhn:] kratzen, scharren
    3. noun
    1) (mark, wound; coll.): (trifling wound) Kratzer, der (ugs.); Schramme, die
    2) (sound) Kratzen, das (at an + Dat.); Kratzgeräusch, das

    have a [good] scratch — sich [ordentlich] kratzen


    start from scratch(fig.) bei Null anfangen (ugs.)

    be up to scratch[Arbeit, Leistung:] nichts zu wünschen übrig lassen; [Person:] in Form od. (ugs.) auf Zack sein

    4. adjective
    (collected haphazardly) bunt zusammengewürfelt
    Phrasal Verbs:
    - academic.ru/110204/scratch_about">scratch about
    * * *
    [skræ ] 1. verb
    1) (to mark or hurt by drawing a sharp point across: The cat scratched my hand; How did you scratch your leg?; I scratched myself on a rose bush.) zerkratzen
    2) (to rub to relieve itching: You should try not to scratch insect bites.) kratzen
    3) (to make by scratching: He scratched his name on the rock with a sharp stone.) ritzen
    4) (to remove by scratching: She threatened to scratch his eyes out.) auskratzen
    5) (to withdraw from a game, race etc: That horse has been scratched.) zurückziehen
    2. noun
    1) (a mark, injury or sound made by scratching: covered in scratches; a scratch at the door.) der Kratzer, das Kratzen
    2) (a slight wound: I hurt myself, but it's only a scratch.) der Kratzer
    3) (in certain races or competitions, the starting point for people with no handicap or advantage.) normale Startbedingungen (pl.)
    - scratchy
    - scratchiness
    - scratch the surface
    - start from scratch
    - up to scratch
    * * *
    I. n
    <pl -es>
    1. (cut on skin) Kratzer m, Schramme f
    to be covered in \scratches völlig zerkratzt [o verschrammt] sein
    2. (mark on surface) Kratzer m, Schramme f
    3. no pl (to relieve itching) Kratzen nt
    to have [or give oneself] a scratch sich akk kratzen
    4. no pl (acceptable standard)
    to not be up to \scratch zu wünschen übrig lassen
    to bring sth/sb up to \scratch etw/jdn auf Vordermann [o sl Zack] bringen fam
    to come up to \scratch den Anforderungen entsprechen, nichts zu wünschen übrig lassen
    5. (beginning state)
    to learn sth from \scratch etw von Grund auf lernen
    to start [sth] from \scratch [mit etw dat] bei null anfangen, ganz von vorne anfangen
    to bake/cook sth from \scratch etw selber [o nach Hausmacherart] [o ÖSTERR, SCHWEIZ nach Hausfrauenart] backen/kochen
    6. COMPUT Arbeitsbereich m
    II. adj attr, inv
    1. (hastily got together) improvisiert
    a \scratch team eine zusammengewürfelte Mannschaft
    2. (without handicap) ohne Vorgabe nach n
    III. vt
    1. (cut slightly)
    to \scratch sth etw zerkratzen [o zerschrammen]
    to \scratch sb jdn kratzen
    2. (mark by scraping)
    to \scratch sth etw verkratzen [o zerkratzen]
    people have been \scratching their names on this rock for years seit Jahren schon ritzen die Leute ihren Namen in den Stein
    the dog \scratched a small hole in the ground der Hund scharrte ein kleines Loch in den Boden
    3. (relieve an itch)
    to \scratch oneself sich akk kratzen
    to \scratch sth an etw dat kratzen [o fam herumkratzen]
    to \scratch one's arm sich akk am Arm kratzen
    to \scratch one's head sich akk am Kopf kratzen; ( fig) sich dat den Kopf zerbrechen
    4. (exclude from competition)
    to \scratch sb from a list jdn aus einer [Starter]liste streichen
    to \scratch a horse from a race ein Pferd aus dem Rennen nehmen
    to \scratch sb from a team [or side] jdn aus der Mannschaft nehmen
    5. (erase, remove)
    to \scratch sth etw streichen
    you can \scratch that idea diese Idee kannst du vergessen
    to \scratch sb's name off a list jds Namen aus einer Liste streichen
    6. AM ( fam: cancel)
    to \scratch sth etw aufgeben [o fam abblasen
    7. (write hastily)
    to \scratch sth etw [hin]kritzeln
    to \scratch sth on sth etw auf etw akk kritzeln
    you \scratch my back and I'll \scratch yours eine Hand wäscht die andere prov
    \scratch a... and you'll find a... [underneath] in jedem/jeder... steckt ein/eine..., hinter jedem/jeder... verbirgt sich ein/eine...
    \scratch a rabid nationalist and you're likely to find a racist underneath in jedem fanatischen Nationalisten steckt mit ziemlicher Sicherheit ein Rassist
    IV. vi
    1. (use claws, nails) kratzen; bird, chicken scharren
    she \scratched at me with her nails sie ging mit den Fingernägeln auf mich los
    2. (relieve an itch) sich akk kratzen
    3. (cause itchy feeling) kratzen
    4. BRIT (write badly) pen, nib kratzen
    5. (withdraw from race) zurücktreten, nicht antreten
    6. MUS scratchen
    * * *
    1. n
    1) (= mark) Kratzer m

    (= act) to give a dog a scratch — einen Hund kratzen

    to have a scratch —

    3) (= sound) Kratzen nt no pl

    to start from scratch — (ganz) von vorn(e) anfangen; (Sport) ohne Vorgabe anfangen

    to start sth from scratch — etw ganz von vorne anfangen; business etw aus dem Nichts aufbauen

    to learn a language/a new trade from scratch — eine Sprache/einen neuen Beruf ganz von Anfang an or von Grund auf erlernen

    to be or come up to scratch (inf) — die Erwartungen erfüllen, den Anforderungen entsprechen

    he/it is not quite up to scratch yet (inf) — er/es lässt noch zu wünschen übrig

    2. adj attr
    1) meal improvisiert; crew, team zusammengewürfelt
    2) (= with no handicap) ohne Vorgabe
    3. vt
    1) (with nail, claw etc) kratzen; hole scharren; (= leave scratches on) zerkratzen

    the spots will get worse if you scratch them — die Pickel werden nur schlimmer, wenn du (daran) kratzt

    if you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours (fig)eine Hand wäscht die andere


    to scratch sb/sb's name off a list — jdn/jds Namen von or aus einer Liste streichen

    3) (SPORT ETC: withdraw) streichen; horse zurückziehen
    4. vi
    1) (= make scratching movement/noise) kratzen; (in soil etc) scharren; (= scratch oneself) sich kratzen

    (= become scratched) the new paint will scratch easily/won't scratch — die neue Farbe bekommt leicht Kratzer/bekommt keine Kratzer

    3) (MUS) scratchen
    4) (SPORT) zurücktreten
    * * *
    scratch [skrætʃ]
    A s
    1. Kratzer m, Schramme f ( beide auch MED):
    without a scratch ohne eine Schramme
    2. Gekritzel n
    3. have a scratch sich kratzen
    4. Kratzen n, kratzendes Geräusch:
    by a scratch of the pen obs mit einem Federstrich
    5. SPORT
    a) auch scratch line Startlinie f
    b) (Golf) Handicap n 0
    c) (Golf) Scratchspieler(in):
    start from scratch fig ganz von vorne oder umg bei Null anfangen;
    be up to scratch fig den Anforderungen entsprechen, die Erwartungen erfüllen (Leistung etc), in Form sein (Person);
    not be up to scratch fig einiges zu wünschen übrig lassen (Leistung etc); nicht in Form oder auf der Höhe sein (Person);
    bring up to scratch fig jemanden in Form bringen; eine Firma etc auf Zack bringen umg
    a) Zufallstreffer m
    b) Fehlstoß m
    7. besonders US sl Knete f (Geld)
    8. pl (als sg konstruiert) VET Mauke f
    B adj
    1. zu Entwürfen (gebraucht):
    a) bes US Notiz-, Schmierblock m,
    b) COMPUT Notizblock(speicher) m;
    scratch paper US Konzept-, Schmierpapier n
    2. SPORT ohne Vorgabe (Rennen etc):
    scratch player (Golf) Scratchspieler(in):
    3. besonders SPORT (bunt) zusammengewürfelt (Mannschaft etc)
    C v/t
    1. a) jemanden kratzen (Katze etc), etwas ver-, zerkratzen:
    scratch off abkratzen (von);
    scratch one’s initials on seine Initialen (ein)ritzen in (akk);
    scratch one’s arm on a nail sich den Arm an einem Nagel aufreißen;
    scratch sb’s eyes out jemandem die Augen auskratzen;
    a) etwas streifen (Geschoss etc),
    b) fig etwas nur oberflächlich behandeln;
    scratch together ( oder up) Geld etc zusammenkratzen, eine Mannschaft etc auf die Beine bringen;
    scratch a living sich gerade so über Wasser halten
    c) an einem Insektenstich etc kratzen
    2. kratzen, ein Tier kraulen:
    scratch a dog’s neck einem Hund den Hals kraulen;
    scratch one’s head sich den Kopf kratzen (aus Verlegenheit etc);
    scratch sb’s back
    a) jemanden am Rücken kratzen,
    b) fig jemandem um den Bart gehen;
    you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours fig eine Hand wäscht die andere
    3. (hin)kritzeln
    4. scratch out aus-, durchstreichen
    5. a) SPORT ein Pferd etc, auch eine Nennung zurückziehen
    b) einen Plan etc fallen lassen
    6. POL US
    a) Wahlstimmen in der Hauptsache einer Partei geben
    b) Kandidaten streichen:
    scratch a ticket eine Parteiwahlliste durch Streichungen abändern
    D v/i
    1. kratzen (auch Schreibfeder etc):
    the dog was scratching at the door (to be let in) der Hund kratzte an der Tür(, weil er hereinwollte)
    2. sich kratzen
    3. (auf dem Boden) scharren ( for nach)
    4. scratch along ( oder through) umg sich gerade so durchschlagen, über die Runden kommen ( beide:
    on mit)
    5. SPORT (seine Meldung) zurückziehen
    * * *
    1. transitive verb
    1) (score surface of) zerkratzen; verkratzen; (score skin of) kratzen

    scratch the surface [of something] — [Geschoss usw.:] [etwas] streifen

    he has only scratched the surface [of the problem] — er hat das Problem nur oberflächlich gestreift

    scratch oneself/one's hands — etc. sich schrammen/sich (Dat.) die Hände usw. zerkratzen od. [zer]schrammen od. ritzen

    3) (scrape without marking) kratzen; kratzen an (+ Dat.) [Insektenstich usw.]

    scratch oneself/one's arm — etc. sich kratzen/sich (Dat.) den Arm usw. od. am Arm usw. kratzen; abs. [Person:] sich kratzen

    scratch one's head [over something] — (fig.) sich (Dat.) den Kopf über etwas (Akk.) zerbrechen

    you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours(fig. coll.) eine Hand wäscht die andere (Spr.)

    4) (form) kratzen, ritzen [Buchstaben etc.]; kratzen, scharren [Loch] (in in + Akk.)
    5) (erase from list) streichen ( from aus); (withdraw from competition) von der Starter- od. Teilnehmerliste streichen [Rennpferd, Athleten]
    2. intransitive verb
    2) (scrape) [Huhn:] kratzen, scharren
    3. noun
    1) (mark, wound; coll.): (trifling wound) Kratzer, der (ugs.); Schramme, die
    2) (sound) Kratzen, das (at an + Dat.); Kratzgeräusch, das

    have a [good] scratch — sich [ordentlich] kratzen


    start from scratch(fig.) bei Null anfangen (ugs.)

    be up to scratch[Arbeit, Leistung:] nichts zu wünschen übrig lassen; [Person:] in Form od. (ugs.) auf Zack sein

    4. adjective
    (collected haphazardly) bunt zusammengewürfelt
    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    Kratzer - m.
    Ritze -n f.
    Schramme -n f. v.
    kratzen v.
    löschen v.
    ritzen v.
    verkratzen v.

    English-german dictionary > scratch

  • 17 land

    1. noun
    1) no pl., no indef. art. (solid part of the earth) Land, das

    by landauf dem Landweg

    on land — zu Lande; (not in air) auf dem Boden; (not in or on water) an Land

    2) no indef. art. (expanse of country) Land, das

    see how the land lies(fig.) herausfinden, wie die Dinge liegen; see also academic.ru/42780/lie">lie II 1. 1)

    3) no pl., no indef. art. (ground for farming or building, property) Land, das

    live off the land — sich von dem ernähren, was das Land hergibt

    4) (country) Land, das

    the greatest in the land — der/die Größte im ganzen Land

    2. transitive verb
    1) (set ashore) [an]landen [Truppen, Passagiere, Waren, Fang]
    2) (Aeronaut.) landen [[Wasser]flugzeug]
    3) (bring into a situation)

    land oneself in trouble — sich in Schwierigkeiten bringen; sich (Dat.) Ärger einhandeln (ugs.)

    land somebody in [the thick of] it — jemanden [ganz schön] reinreiten (salopp)

    4) (deal) landen [Schlag]
    5) (burden)

    land somebody with something, land something on somebody — jemandem etwas aufhalsen (ugs.)

    be landed with somebody/something — jemanden auf dem Hals haben (ugs.) /etwas aufgehalst bekommen (ugs.)


    land a fisheinen Fisch an Land ziehen

    7) (fig.): (succeed in obtaining) an Land ziehen (ugs.)
    3. intransitive verb
    1) [Boot usw.:] anlegen, landen; [Passagier:] aussteigen ( from aus)
    2) (Aeronaut.) landen; (on water) [auf dem Wasser] aufsetzen

    be about to land — zur Landung angesetzt haben; gerade landen

    3) (alight) landen; [Ball:] aufkommen

    land on one's feetauf den Füßen landen; (fig.) [wieder] auf die Füße fallen

    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    [lænd] 1. noun
    1) (the solid part of the surface of the Earth which is covered by the sea: We had been at sea a week before we saw land.) das Land
    2) (a country: foreign lands.) das Land
    3) (the ground or soil: He never made any money at farming as his land was poor and stony.) das Land
    4) (an estate: He owns land/lands in Scotland.) das Land
    2. verb
    1) (to come or bring down from the air upon the land: The plane landed in a field; They managed to land the helicopter safely; She fell twenty feet, but landed without injury.) landen
    2) (to come or bring from the sea on to the land: After being at sea for three months, they landed at Plymouth; He landed the big fish with some help.) landen
    3) (to (cause to) get into a particular (usually unfortunate) situation: Don't drive so fast - you'll land (yourself) in hospital/trouble!) in Schwierigkeiten etc. bringen


    (a type of strong motor vehicle used for driving over rough ground.) der Landrover

    - landing
    - landing-gear
    - landing-stage
    - landlocked
    - landlord
    - landmark
    - land mine
    - landowner
    - landslide
    - landslide victory
    - landslide
    - landslide defeat
    - land up
    - land with
    - see how the land lies
    * * *
    I. n
    1. no pl (not water) Land nt
    to have dry \land under one's feet festen Boden unter den Füßen haben
    to sight \land Land sichten
    to travel by \land auf dem Landweg reisen
    on \land an Land
    2. no pl also AGR (ground) Land nt; (soil) Boden m
    building \land Bauland nt
    agricultural [or arable] [or farm] \land Ackerland nt, landwirtschaftliche Nutzfläche[n] f[pl] fachspr
    piece/plot of \land (for building) Grundstück nt; (for farming) Stück nt Land
    waste \land Brachland nt, Ödland nt fachspr
    to live off the \land von selbsterwirtschafteten Produkten leben
    to work [on] [or to farm] the \land Ackerbau treiben
    3. no pl (countryside)
    the \land das Land
    to move back to the \land zurück aufs Land ziehen
    4. (particular area of ground) Grundstück nt
    \lands pl (real estate) Grundbesitz m; (extensive estates) Ländereien pl
    get off my \land! verschwinden Sie von meinem Grundstück!
    building \land Baugründstück nt
    private \land Privatbesitz m
    state \land[s] AM staatlicher Grundbesitz
    5. (country, region) Land nt; ( fig: world) Welt f
    to live in a fantasy \land in einer Fantasiewelt leben
    the L\land of the Midnight Sun das Land der Mitternachtssonne
    the L\land of the Rising Sun das Land der aufgehenden Sonne
    6. AM ( euph: Lord)
    for \land's sake um Gottes Willen
    7. TECH (in a gun) Feld nt fachspr
    to be in the \land of the living ( hum) unter den Lebenden sein [o geh weilen] hum
    the \land of [or flowing with] milk and honey das Land, wo Milch und Honig fließt
    to be in the L\land of Nod BRIT ( dated) im Land der Träume sein
    to see [or find out] how the \land lies die Lage sondieren [o peilen
    II. n modifier
    1. MIL (attack, manoeuvre) Boden-
    2. also AGR (soil) (excavation) Boden-
    3. (real estate) (law, price, purchase) Grundstücks-
    \land agent BRIT Grundstücksmakler(in) m(f)
    \land property Grundbesitz m
    \land registry Grundbuchamt nt
    4. (not water) (crab, wind) Land-
    III. vi
    1. AVIAT, AEROSP landen
    to \land on the moon auf dem Mond landen
    to come in to \land zur Landung ansetzen
    2. NAUT vessel anlegen, anlanden; people an Land gehen
    to \land in/on sth in/auf etw dat landen
    the bird escaped from the cat and \landed safely on the garden fence der Vogel entkam der Katze und landete sicher auf dem Gartenzaun
    the plates \landed on the ground with a loud crash die Teller landeten mit einem lauten Knall auf dem Boden
    to \land on one's feet auf den Füßen landen; ( fig) [wieder] auf die Füße fallen fig
    to \land on the floor [or ground] auf dem Boden landen
    to \land on a square (in games) auf einem Feld landen
    to \land outside sth außerhalb einer S. gen landen
    the ball \landed outside the line der Ball landete außerhalb der Linie
    4. (hit) blow, punch sitzen
    if his punch had \landed... wenn sein Schlag getroffen hätte...
    5. ( fam: end up, arrive) landen fam
    why do the difficult translations always \land on my desk? warum landen die schwierigen Übersetzungen immer auf meinem Tisch? fam
    this report \landed on my desk this morning dieser Bericht landete heute Morgen auf meinem Tisch fam
    IV. vt
    1. (bring onto land)
    to \land an aircraft [or a plane] ein Flugzeug landen
    to \land a boat ein Boot an Land ziehen
    to \land a fish einen Fisch an Land ziehen
    to \land a plane on water mit einem Flugzeug auf dem Wasser landen, ein Flugzeug wassern fachspr
    2. (unload)
    to \land sth etw an Land bringen
    to \land a cargo eine Ladung löschen
    to \land fish [at the port] Fisch anlanden
    to \land passengers Passagiere von Bord [gehen] lassen
    to \land troops Truppen anlanden
    3. ( fam: obtain)
    to \land sth contract, offer, job etw an Land ziehen fig fam
    to \land oneself a good job sich dat einen guten Job angeln fam
    4. ( fam: burden)
    to \land sb with sth jdm etw aufhalsen fam
    I've been \landed with the job of sorting out his mistakes ich habe es aufgehalst bekommen, seine Fehler auszubügeln fam
    to be \landed with sb jdn am Hals haben fam
    5. ( fam: place)
    to \land sb in sth jdn in etw akk bringen
    she was arrested and \landed in jail sie wurde verhaftet und ins Gefängnis gesteckt fam
    that could have \landed you in jail deswegen hättest du im Gefängnis landen können fam
    the demonstration \landed some of the protesters in jail einige Demonstranten wurden während der Kundgebung in Haft genommen
    you've really \landed me in it! da hast du mich aber ganz schön reingeritten! fam
    to \land sb in bankruptcy jdn Bankrott machen
    to \land sb in serious trouble jdn in ernsthafte Schwierigkeiten bringen
    to \land oneself/sb in hot [or deep] water sich selbst/jdn in große Schwierigkeiten bringen
    * * *
    1. n
    1) (= not sea) Land nt

    as they approached landals sie sich dem Land näherten

    to see how the land lies (lit) — das Gelände erkunden or auskundschaften; (fig) die Lage sondieren or peilen

    until I've seen the lay or lie of the land (fig) for land's sake ( US inf ) —, inf ) um Himmels willen

    2) (= nation, region also fig) Land nt
    3) (as property) Grund und Boden m; (= estates) Ländereien pl

    she's bought a piece of landsie hat ein Stück Land or (for building) ein Grundstück gekauft

    4) (AGR) Land nt; (= soil) Boden m
    2. vt
    1) (NAUT) passengers absetzen, von Bord gehen lassen; troops landen; goods an Land bringen, löschen; fish at port anlanden; boat an Land ziehen

    he landed the boat on the beacher zog das Boot an den Strand

    2) (AVIAT) passengers absetzen, von Bord gehen lassen; troops landen; goods abladen

    to land a plane —

    3) fish on hook an Land ziehen
    4) (inf: obtain) kriegen (inf); contract sich (dat) verschaffen; prize (sich dat) holen (inf); job an Land ziehen (inf)

    she finally landed himsie hat sich (dat) ihn schließlich geangelt (inf)

    5) (Brit inf) blow landen (inf)

    he landed him one, he landed him a punch on the jaw — er versetzte ihm or landete bei ihm einen Kinnhaken

    6) (inf: place) bringen

    like that will land you in trouble/jail — bei einem solchen Betragen wirst du noch mal Ärger bekommen/im Gefängnis landen

    it landed me in a messdadurch bin ich in einen ganz schönen Schlamassel (inf) geraten or gekommen

    buying the house landed him in debtdurch den Kauf des Hauses verschuldete er sich

    being overdrawn could land you with big bank chargeswenn man sein Konto überzieht, kann einen das hohe Bankgebühren kosten

    7) (inf

    = lumber) to land sb with sth — jdm etw aufhalsen (inf) or andrehen

    I got landed with the jobman hat mir die Arbeit aufgehalst (inf)

    3. vi
    1) (from ship) an Land gehen
    2) (AVIAT) landen; (bird, insect) landen, sich setzen
    3) (= fall, be placed, strike) landen

    to land on one's feet (lit) — auf den Füßen landen; (fig) auf die Füße fallen

    * * *
    land [lænd]
    A s
    1. Land n (Ggs Meer, Wasser, Luft):
    by land zu Land(e), auf dem Landweg(e);
    by land and sea zu Wasser und zu Lande;
    a) die Lage peilen umg,
    b) sich einen Überblick verschaffen;
    make land SCHIFF
    a) Land sichten,
    b) das (Fest)Land erreichen
    2. Land n, Boden m
    3. Land n (Ggs Stadt):
    back to the land zurück aufs Land
    4. JUR
    a) Land-, Grundbesitz m, Grund m und Boden m
    b) pl Ländereien pl, Güter pl
    5. Land n, Staat m, Volk n, Nation f:
    Land of Enchantment US (Beiname für den Staat) New Mexico n;
    Land of Opportunity US (Beiname für den Staat) Arkansas n;
    6. WIRTSCH natürliche Reichtümer pl (eines Landes)
    7. fig Land n, Gebiet n, Reich n:
    the land of dreams das Reich oder Land der Träume;
    the land of the living das Diesseits; milk A 1, nod C 2
    8. Feld n (zwischen den Zügen des Gewehrlaufs)
    B v/i
    1. FLUG landen, SCHIFF auch anlegen
    2. oft land up landen, (an)kommen:
    land in a ditch in einem Graben landen;
    land up in prison im Gefängnis landen;
    land second SPORT an zweiter Stelle landen
    3. umg einen Schlag oder Treffer landen:
    a) bei jemandem einen Treffer landen,
    b) fig es jemandem geben umg
    C v/t
    1. Personen, Güter, ein Flugzeug landen:
    land goods Güter ausladen (SCHIFF auch löschen)
    2. einen Fisch etc an Land ziehen
    he was landed in the mud er landete im Schlamm
    4. jemanden bringen:
    land o.s. ( oder be landed) in trouble in Schwierigkeiten geraten oder kommen;
    land sb in trouble jemanden in Schwierigkeiten bringen
    5. land sb with sth, land sth onto sb umg jemandem etwas aufhalsen
    6. umg einen Schlag oder Treffer landen, anbringen:
    he landed him one er knallte ihm eine, er verpasste ihm eins oder ein Ding
    7. umg jemanden, etwas kriegen, erwischen:
    land a husband sich einen Mann angeln;
    land a prize sich einen Preis holen, einen Preis ergattern
    8. land sb sth umg jemandem etwas einbringen
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) no pl., no indef. art. (solid part of the earth) Land, das

    on land — zu Lande; (not in air) auf dem Boden; (not in or on water) an Land

    2) no indef. art. (expanse of country) Land, das

    see how the land lies(fig.) herausfinden, wie die Dinge liegen; see also lie II 1. 1)

    3) no pl., no indef. art. (ground for farming or building, property) Land, das

    live off the land — sich von dem ernähren, was das Land hergibt

    4) (country) Land, das

    the greatest in the land — der/die Größte im ganzen Land

    2. transitive verb
    1) (set ashore) [an]landen [Truppen, Passagiere, Waren, Fang]
    2) (Aeronaut.) landen [[Wasser]flugzeug]

    land oneself in trouble — sich in Schwierigkeiten bringen; sich (Dat.) Ärger einhandeln (ugs.)

    land somebody in [the thick of] it — jemanden [ganz schön] reinreiten (salopp)

    4) (deal) landen [Schlag]

    land somebody with something, land something on somebody — jemandem etwas aufhalsen (ugs.)

    be landed with somebody/something — jemanden auf dem Hals haben (ugs.) /etwas aufgehalst bekommen (ugs.)

    7) (fig.): (succeed in obtaining) an Land ziehen (ugs.)
    3. intransitive verb
    1) [Boot usw.:] anlegen, landen; [Passagier:] aussteigen ( from aus)
    2) (Aeronaut.) landen; (on water) [auf dem Wasser] aufsetzen

    be about to land — zur Landung angesetzt haben; gerade landen

    3) (alight) landen; [Ball:] aufkommen

    land on one's feet — auf den Füßen landen; (fig.) [wieder] auf die Füße fallen

    Phrasal Verbs:
    * * *
    landen adj. n.
    Boden ¨-- m.
    Bundesland n.
    Festland -¨er n.
    Land ¨-er n. v.
    landen v.

    English-german dictionary > land

  • 18 mould

    I noun
    1) (earth) Erde, die
    2) (upper soil) [Mutter]boden, der
    II 1. noun
    1) (hollow) Form, die; (Metallurgy) Kokille, die; (Plastics) Pressform, die
    2) (Cookery) [Kuchen-/Back-/Pudding]form, die
    2. transitive verb
    formen (out of, from aus)
    III noun
    (Bot.) Schimmel, der
    * * *
    I [mould] noun
    1) ((soil which is full of) rotted leaves etc.) der Humus
    2) (a growth on stale food etc: This bread is covered with mould.) der Schimmel
    - academic.ru/48245/mouldy">mouldy
    - mouldiness II 1. [məuld] noun
    1) (a shape into which a substance in liquid form is poured so that it may take on that shape when it cools and hardens: a jelly mould.) die Form
    2) (something, especially a food, formed in a mould.) die Form
    2. verb
    1) (to form in a mould: The metal is moulded into long bars.) gießen
    2) (to work into a shape: He moulded the clay into a ball.) formen
    3) (to make the shape of (something): She moulded the figure out of/in clay.) formen
    * * *
    [məʊld, AM moʊld]
    n no pl BOT Schimmel m
    mould2, AM mold
    [məʊld, AM moʊld]
    I. n
    1. (shape) Form f
    jelly \mould Puddingform f
    2. ( fig) Typ m
    to be out of the same \mould sich dat gleichen wie ein Ei dem anderen
    to be cast in the same/a different \mould aus dem gleichen/einem anderen Holz geschnitzt sein
    he's cast in a very different \mould from his brother er ist ganz anders als sein Bruder
    to break the \mould [of sth] neue Wege in etw dat gehen
    to fit [into] the \mould of sth in das Bild [von etw dat] passen, der Vorstellung [von etw dat] entsprechen
    II. vt
    to \mould sth out of [or from] [or in] sth etw aus etw dat formen; ( fig)
    to \mould sb into sth jdn zu etw dat machen
    * * *
    I (US) [məʊld]
    1. n
    1) (= hollow form) (Guss)form f; (TYP ALSO) Mater f; (= shape, COOK) Form f
    2) (= jelly, blancmange) Pudding m, Wackelpeter m (inf)
    3) (fig

    = character, style) to be cast in or from the same/a different mould (people) — vom gleichen/von einem anderen Schlag sein, aus dem gleichen/einem anderen Holz geschnitzt sein; (novel characters) nach demselben/einem anderen Muster geschaffen sein

    the two painters/novelists etc are cast in or from the same/a different mould — die beiden Maler/Schriftsteller etc verbindet viel/wenig miteinander

    to break the mould (fig)mit der Tradition brechen

    to fit sb/sth into a mould — jdn/etw in ein Schema zwängen

    2. vt
    1) (lit) (= fashion) formen (into zu); (= cast) gießen
    2) (fig) character, person formen
    3. vr

    to mould oneself on sbsich (dat) jdn zum Vorbild nehmen

    to mould oneself on an idealsich an einem Ideal orientieren

    II (US)
    (= fungus) Schimmel m III (US)
    (= soil) Humus(boden) m, Humuserde f
    * * *
    mould besonders Br für mold1,2,3
    mold, besonders Br mould [məʊld]
    A s
    1. TECH (Gieß-, Guss) Form f:
    break the mold fig den üblichen Rahmen sprengen, neue Wege gehen;
    be cast ( oder made) in the same (a different) mold fig aus demselben (einem anderen) Holz geschnitzt sein;
    he’s made in his father’s mold er ist aus demselben Holz geschnitzt wie sein Vater;
    mold candle gegossene Kerze
    2. (Körper)Bau m, Gestalt f, (äußere) Form
    3. Art f, Natur f, Wesen n, Charakter m
    4. TECH
    a) Hohlform f
    b) Pressform f:
    (female) mold Matrize f;
    male mold Patrize f
    c) Kokille f, Hartgussform f
    d) (Form)Modell n
    e) Gesenk n
    f) Dreherei: Druckfutter n
    5. TECH Gussmaterial n
    6. TECH Guss(stück) m(n)
    7. Schiffbau: Mall n:
    mold loft Mall-, Schnürboden m
    8. ARCH
    a) Sims m/n
    b) Leiste f
    c) Hohlkehle f
    9. GASTR
    a) Form f (für Speisen)
    10. GEOL Abdruck m (einer Versteinerung)
    B v/t
    1. TECH gießen
    2. (ab)formen, modellieren
    3. formen (auch fig den Charakter etc), bilden ( out of aus), gestalten (on nach dem Muster von [oder gen]):
    mold sb’s character auch jemandes Charakter prägen
    4. einen Teig etc formen ( into zu), kneten
    5. mit erhabenen Mustern verzieren
    6. profilieren
    C v/i Form oder Gestalt annehmen, sich formen (lassen)
    mold, besonders Br mould [məʊld]
    A s
    1. a) Schimmel m
    b) Moder m
    2. BOT Schimmelpilz m
    B v/i (ver)schimmeln, schimm(e)lig werden
    mold, besonders Br mould [məʊld] s
    1. lockere Erde, besonders Ackerkrume f:
    a man of mold ein Erdenkloß m, ein Sterblicher m
    2. Humus(boden) m
    * * *
    I noun
    1) (earth) Erde, die
    2) (upper soil) [Mutter]boden, der
    II 1. noun
    1) (hollow) Form, die; (Metallurgy) Kokille, die; (Plastics) Pressform, die
    2) (Cookery) [Kuchen-/Back-/Pudding]form, die
    2. transitive verb
    formen (out of, from aus)
    III noun
    (Bot.) Schimmel, der
    * * *
    (UK) n.
    Gießform -en f.
    Gussform -en f.
    Moder -- m.
    Pressform f.
    Schimmel - m. (metalwork) n.
    Einguss -¨e m. (into) v.
    formen (zu) v. (out of) v.
    bilden (aus) v.
    formen v.
    gestalten v. v.
    eingießen v.
    gießen v.
    (§ p.,pp.: goß, gegossen)
    modellieren (mit Ton etc.) v.

    English-german dictionary > mould

  • 19 stony

    1) (full of, or covered with, stones: stony soil; a stony path/beach; It's very stony around here.) pedregoso
    2) ((of a person's expression etc) like stone in coldness, hardness etc: He gave me a stony stare.) frío, glacial
    adjective (comp stonier, superl stoniest)
    1 (ground, beach) pedregoso,-a
    2 figurative use (look, silence) frío,-a, glacial
    to fall on/upon stony ground caer en oídos sordos
    stony ['sto:ni] adj, stonier ; - est
    1) rocky: pedregoso
    2) unfeeling: insensible, frío
    a stony stare: una mirada glacial
    empedernido, -a adj.
    pedregoso, -a adj.
    pétreo, -a adj.

    I 'stəʊni
    adjective -nier, -niest
    1) <soil/ground/path> pedregoso
    2) <look/stare/person> frío, glacial; < silence> sepulcral

    adverb (BrE colloq)

    to be stony broke — estar* en la ruina, estar* pelado (fam), estar* sin un duro (Esp fam), estar* en la olla (Col fam)

    ADJ (compar stonier) (superl stoniest)
    1) [ground, beach] pedregoso; [material] pétreo
    2) (fig) [glance, silence] glacial, frío; [heart] empedernido; [stare] duro
    * * *

    I ['stəʊni]
    adjective -nier, -niest
    1) <soil/ground/path> pedregoso
    2) <look/stare/person> frío, glacial; < silence> sepulcral

    adverb (BrE colloq)

    to be stony broke — estar* en la ruina, estar* pelado (fam), estar* sin un duro (Esp fam), estar* en la olla (Col fam)

    English-spanish dictionary > stony

  • 20 structure

    1. структура (1. макроскопические особенности масс или толщ горных пород, обычно лучше всего наблюдаемые в обнажениях и отражающие неоднородность пород 2. общее расположение, залегание, распределение или относительное положение масс пород в данной области или регионе 3. форма или строение)
    off the structure вдали от свода структуры
    on the structure у свода структуры, на структуре 2. текстура
    aggregate structure крист. агрегатное строение
    air-heave structure текстура воздушного вспучивания
    air-pocket structure текстура воздушных карманов
    algal structure водорослевая структура
    aligned current structure директивная, направленная структура
    allotriomorphic structure аллотриоморфная структура
    amygdaloidal structure миндалекаменная структура
    antidune-line structure антидюнная структура
    araucarian structure араукариевый тип строения (растения)
    arborescent structure дендритовая структура
    arched structure сводообразная структура
    areal structure 1. региональная тектоника 2. региональная структура
    ash structure пепловая структура
    ataxic structure атакситовая текстура
    atoll structure атолловая [кольцеобразная] структура
    augen structure очковая структура
    autoclastic structure автокластическая структура (механического брекчирования)
    auto-injection structure автоинъекционная структура
    axial structure осевая структура
    bald-headed structure антиклинальная структура, сводовая часть которой эродирована
    ball structure 1. шаровая структура 2. структура шарового угля
    ball-and-pillow structure шарово-подушечная структура.
    balled-up structure узелковые стяжения алевритового материала
    banded structure полосчатая структура
    basal structure базальная структура
    basaltic structure базальтовая структура
    basement structure структура основания (строение пород, подстилающих осадочный чехол)
    basic structures основные структуры
    basin-range structure структура бассейнов (впадин) и хребтов
    bedded structure слоистая текстура
    bird's-eye structure мелкокавернозная структура
    bladed structure плосковытянутая [удлинённо-пластинчатая] структура (кристаллов)
    blastogranitic structure бластогранитовая структура
    blastopelitic structure бластопелитовая структура
    blastophitic structure бластофитовая структура
    blastoporphyritic structure бластопорфировая структура
    blastopsammitic structure бластопсаммитовая структура
    blastopsephitic structure бластопсефитовая структура
    block structures блоковые [глыбовые] горы
    bogen structure оскольчатая стекловатая структура (лав)
    book structure листоватая структура
    bookhouse structure структура плотных каолиновых глин
    botryoidal structure гроздевидная структура
    box structure коробчатая структура
    branching structure ветвящаяся структура
    broken-plate structure структура разбитой тарелки
    buried structure погребённая структура
    burrow structure структура, образованная ископаемыми следами организмов
    cancellated structure ситовидная [канцеллятная] структура
    cardhouse structure структура «карточного домика» (некоторых морских осадков)
    cataclastic structure катакластическая [порфирито-кластическая] структура
    cavernous structure кавернозная структура
    cedar-tree structure кедровый лакколит (в котором силлоподобные залежи утоняются в стороны от центрального интрузивного тела)
    cell(ular) structure ячеистая [сетчатая] структура
    chain structure цепочечная структура
    chaos structure хаотическая структура
    chessboard structure шахматная структура
    chimney like structure трубообразная структура
    chitin structure пал. хитиновое строение
    circular structure кольцевая структура
    cleavage structure сланцеватая структура
    closed structure замкнутая структура
    close-grained structure плотнозернистая структура
    close-packed structure структура с плотной упаковкой
    coagulation structure коагуляционная структура, структура студенистых осадков
    coarse eye structure грубоочковая структура
    coarsely vesicular structure грубопузыристая структура
    cockade structure кокардовая [кольчатая] структура
    cockscomb structure гребенчатая структура
    collapse structure структура обрушения
    colloform structure коллоформная структура
    colloidal structure коллоидальная структура
    columnar structure 1. столбчатая [шестоватая] структура 2. столбчатая отдельность
    comb structure гребенчатая структура
    competent structure компетентная структура
    complementary structures сопряжённые [взаимосвязанные] структуры
    complicated structure сложная структура
    composed fan structure сложная веерообразная структура
    compound structure двухъярусная структура
    concentric zonal structure концентрически-зональная структура
    conchoidal structure раковистая структура
    concretionary structure конкреционная структура
    cone-in-cone structure структура «конус в конусе»
    consertal structure консертальная [разнозернистая] структура
    contorted structure смятая структура
    convergent structure конвергентная структура
    core-and-shell structure структура ядра и оболочки
    cornice structure карнизная [навесная] структура
    corona structure венцовая [венчиковая] структура
    corrugated structure гофрированная структура; плойчатая структура
    covered structure скрытая структура
    crape structure структура давления
    cross-hatching structure перекрёстная структура
    crumble structure структура растрескивания
    crush structure структура дробления
    cryptocrystalline structure криптокристаллическая структура
    cryptoexplosion structure криптоэксплозивная структура
    cryptovolcanic structure криптовулканическая структура
    crystal structure 1. кристаллическая структура 2. структура кристалла
    crystalline structure кристаллическая структура
    cup-and ball structure шарово-гнездовая структура
    curved structure волнистая структура
    cylindrical structure цилиндрическая структура
    dactylitic structure дактилитовая структура
    damped-wave structures затухающие кольцевые структуры
    decken structure покровная структура
    decussate structure крестообразная структура
    deep-seated structure глубинная структура
    deformation structure деформационная структура
    delta structure дельтовая структура
    dendritic structure- дендритовая структура
    derivative structure производная структура
    diabasic structure диабазовая структура
    diadactic structure диатактическая текстура
    diamond structure алмазная структура
    diapir structure диапировая структура
    diapir salt structure диапировая соляная структура
    dip-and-fault structure структура уклонов и сбросов
    directional structure директивная [направленная] структура
    directionless structure нерассланцованная структура; структура без определённого направления
    dish structure блюдцеобразная структура
    disorder(ed) structure разупорядоченная структура
    divergent structure разветвлённая структура
    diverse structure разнотипная структура
    dohyaline structure догиалиновая структура
    domain structure доменная структура
    dome structure куполообразная структура
    double-fold structure сложноскладчатая структура
    doughnut structure доунатовая [друмлиновая] структура
    downward facing structure перевёрнутая [опрокинутая] структура
    drusy structure друзовая структура
    dune-like structure дюнообразная структура
    ebb and flow structure строение толщи горных пород, характеризующееся чередованием горизонтально- и косозалегающих слоев
    ellipsoidal structure эллипсоидальная структура
    emulsion structure эмульсионная структура
    enterolithic structure энтеролитовая текстура
    entoolitic structure энтоолитовая структура
    eozoon structure эозоновая структура
    eutectic structure эвтектическая структура
    external structure внешнее строение
    eye structure очковая структура
    eye-and-eyebrow structure структура (некоторых риолитов), напоминающая глаз и бровь
    fairy-castle structure структура (микрорельефа лунной поверхности), напоминающая волшебный замок
    fan structure веерообразная структура
    faulted structure сбросово-глыбовое строение
    feathered structure перистое строение
    felted structure спутанно-волокнистая [войлочная, пилотакситовая] структура
    festoon structure фестончатая структура
    fibrous structure волокнистая структура
    fibrous-radiated structure волокнисто-лучистая структура
    filiform structure нитевидная структура
    fine-cellular structure мелкоячеистая структура
    fine eye structure мелкоочковая структура
    fine-gratingтонкосетчатая структура
    flaky schistose structure чешуйчато-сланцеватая текстура
    flame structure пламенная структура
    flame-like structure пламевидная структура
    flaser structure флазерная [полосчатая] структура
    flexure structure флексурная структура
    flow structure флюидальная структура, структура течения
    flow-and-plunge structure структура течения и ныряния (разновидность косой слоистости)
    foamy structure пенистая структура
    foliaceous structure сланцеватая [листоватая, полосчатая] структура
    foliated structure рассланцованная структура
    foliation structure сланцеватая [листоватая, полосчатая] структура
    framework structure 1. каркасная структура 2. тектоническая структура
    frost structure of soil структура мёрзлой почвы
    glass structure стекловатая структура
    globular structure шаровидная [сферолитовая] структура
    glomeroblastic structure гломеробластовая структура
    gneissic structure гнейсовая структура
    gneissoid structure гнейсовидная структура
    goffering structure гофрированная структура
    grain [granular] structure зернистая структура
    granular cleavable structure зернисто-сланцеватая структура
    granulitic structure гранулитовая структура
    graphic structure графическая структура
    grating structure сетчатая [решётчатая] структура
    gravity-collapse structure структура гравитационного оседания
    gross structure макроструктура
    hacksaw structure гребенчатая структура
    hammock structure «гамачная» структура (пересечение под острым углом двух систем трещин или жил)
    hassock structure волнистое напластование (разновидность конволютной слоистости)
    healed structure крустифицированная структура
    helicitic structure гелицитовая структура
    herringbone structure перистая структура
    heteroblastic structure гетеробластовая структура
    highly folded structure интенсивно-складчатая структура
    homoeoblastic structure гомеобластовая структура
    honeycomb structure сотовая структура
    hourglass structure структура песочных часов
    hypautomorphic structure гипавтоморфная структура
    hypidiomorphic structure гипидиоморфная структура
    ice structure структура льда (изъян кристалла алмаза или другого драгоценного камня, обычно в виде группы трещин около включения инородной частицы)
    ice-flower structure структура ледяных узоров (вурцита)
    imbricated structure чешуйчатая структура
    impalpable structure супермелкозернистая структура
    implication structure импликационная структура, структура прорастания
    inferred structure предполагаемая структура
    internal structure внутренняя структура
    involved fold structure структура с интенсивной внутренней складчатостью
    kelyphitic structure келифитовая структура
    kink structure коленчатая структура
    lamellar structure пластинчатая структура
    lamellar-stellate structure пластинчато-звездчатая структура
    laminated structure пластинчатая структура
    laminated flow structure полосчатая флюидальная структура
    lamprophyric structure лампрофировая структура
    large prismatic structure крупнопризматическая структура
    lateral structure боковая структура
    layer structure слоистая структура
    lenticular structure линзообразная структура
    lignitic structure лигнитовая структура
    linear structure линейная структура
    linear flow structure плоскостная текстура течения
    linear-parallel structure линейно-параллельная структура
    load-flow structure структура нагрузки потока
    lobate plunge structure отпечаток выемки, рифлёный отпечаток
    lump structure комковатая структура
    maculose structure пятнистая структура
    magnophyric structure крупнопорфировая структура
    mammilary structure сосцевидная [караваеобразная, подушечная] структура
    massive structure массивная структура
    medium structure среднезернистая структура
    megaphyric structure мегафировая [крупнопорфировая] структура
    mesh structure ячеистая структура
    mesoscopic structure мезоскопическая структура, мезоструктура
    metacolloid structure метаколлоидная структура
    micaceous structure слюдистая структура
    microcrystalfine structure микрокристаллическая структура
    migration structure миграционная структура
    miniphyritic structure микропорфировая структура
    mortar structure порфирокластическая структура
    mosaic structure мозаичная структура
    mossy structure моховая [моховидная] структура
    mottled structure крапчатая [пятнистая] структура
    mound structure структура ямок и бугорков
    mountain structure горная структура
    mullion structure муллион-структура, брусчатая структура
    murbruk structure порфирокластическая структура
    myrmekite structure мирмекитовая структура
    nappe structure покровная структура
    net structure петельчатая [сетчатая] структура
    network structure каркасная структура
    nodular structure желваковая [конкреционная, нодулярная]структура
    normal fold structure нормальная складчатая структура
    ocellar structure оцеллярная [глазковая] структура
    offset structure структура разрыва, структура смещения
    open structure открытая структура
    open-packed structure структура с неплотной упаковкой
    open-space structure структура заполнения пустот
    orbicular structure орбикулярная [шаровидная, сфероидальная] структура
    order structure упорядоченная структура
    ore structure рудная структура
    original structure первоначальная структура
    overlapped structure перекрытая [покровная] структура
    paleocurrent structure направленная структура
    palimpsest structure палимпсестовая структура
    parallel-banded structure параллельная структура
    peg structure каркасная структура
    pellet structure пеллетовая структура
    pell-mell structure беспорядочная структура
    pencil structure карандашеобразиая структура
    penecontemporaneous structure постседиментационная структура
    percrystalline structure полнораскристаллизованная структура
    perhyaline structure пергиалиновая структура
    periclinal structure периклинальная структура
    perlitic structure перлитовая структура
    phacoidal structure факоидальная структура
    pillow structure 1. сосцевидная [караваеобразная, подушечная] структура 2. подушечная отдельность
    pillow-lava structure подушечно-лавовая структура
    pilotaxitic structure пилотакситовая структура
    pinch-and-swell structure чётковидная структура
    piperno structure пиперновая структура
    pisolitic structure пизолитовая структура
    pit structure мелкоямчатая структура
    pit and mound structure структура ямок и бугорков
    planar structure плоскостная структура
    planparallel structure согласная структура
    platy flow structure плоскостная [планпараллельная] структура течения
    plicated structure складчатая структура
    plicated schistose structure складчато-слашхеватая структура
    plume structure перистая структура
    poor meshed structure слабовыраженная решётчатая структура
    porous structure пористая структура
    porphyroblastic structure порфиробластовая структура
    porphyroclastic structure порфирокластическая структура
    porphyrotopic structure порфиротспная структура
    posthumous structures постумные структуры, постумные дислокации
    primary structure первичная структура
    primary sedimentary structure первичная осадочная текстура
    primary skeletal structure первичный скелет
    prismatic structure столбчатая отдельность
    protoclastic structure протокластическая структура
    pseudoflow structure псевдофлюидальная структура
    pseudotelescope structure псевдотелескопированная структура
    ptygmatic structure птигматитовая структура
    pumiceous structure пемзовидная структура
    quadrille structure решётчатая структура
    quaqua versa structure куполовидная структура
    radiated structure радиальная [лучистая] структура
    radiolith structure радиально-лучистая [радиолитовая] структура
    ray structure лучистая структура
    reaction structure реакционная структура
    rectangular joint structure прямоугольная система трещиноватости
    reflected buried structure отражённая погребённая структура
    relict structure остаточная [реликтовая] структура
    reticulate structure петельчатая [сетчатая] структура
    reticulate fibrous structure волокнисто-сетчатая структура
    revived structure возрождённая [омоложенная] структура
    ribbon structure ленточная [полосчатая] структура
    ring(-type) structure кольцевая структура
    rodding structure брусчатовидная [верёвочная] структура
    rodlike structure столбчатая структура
    roof and wall structure структура крыши и стены
    room and pillar structure камерно-столбовая структура
    ropy flow structure волнистая флюидальная структура
    rumpled structure смятая структура
    sag structure структура проседания
    sausage structure структура размывания, будинаж
    scaly structure чешуйчатая структура
    schistose structure сланцеватая структура
    sealing-wax structure структура запечатывания
    sedimentary structure осадочная структура
    sheaf structure сноповидная структура
    shear structure структура скалывания, сдвиговая структура
    sheet(ing) structure пластовая отдельность
    shingle structure черепитчатая структура
    shingle-block structure чешуйчато-блоковая структура
    single-grain structure однозернистая структура
    slaggy structure шлаковая структура
    slaty structure сланцеватая структура
    slump structure оползневая структура
    snow-ball structure структура «снежного катыша»
    soil structure почвенная структура, структура почвы
    spheroidal structure сфероидальная структура
    spherolitic structure сферолитовая структура
    spongy structure губчатая структура
    spur-and-groove structure структура типа шпор и борозд (рифогенных образований)
    stellate structure звездчатая структура
    stratified structure слоистая структура
    stylolitic structure стилолитовая структура
    subdiabasic structure субдиабазовая структура
    subgraphic structure субграфическая структура
    subhedral structure субгедральная [гипидиоморфная] структура
    sublithographic structure сублитографская структура
    subophitic structure субофитовая структура
    superimposed structure наложенная структура
    surface structure поверхностная структура
    suture structure шовная структура
    symplex structure симплексная структура
    syngenetic structure сингенетическая текстура
    tabular structure пластинчатая структура
    taxitic structure такситовая структура
    tectonic structure тектоническая структура
    telescope structure телескопическая структура
    tepee structure шатровая структура
    tertiary structure третичная структура
    thermal structure термальная структура
    thin-skinned structure маломощная близповерхностная структура
    three-layer structure трёхслойная структура
    trachytoid structure трахитоидная структура
    twin mesh structure двойниковая петельчатая структура
    two-layer structure двухслойная структура
    Uinta structure структура типа Юинта
    underground structure структура, скрытая под поверхностью; структура, не выраженная на поверхности
    unmixing structure ликвационная структура
    unoriented structure неориентированная структура
    upright fan structure веерообразная вертикальная структура
    variolated structure вариолитовая структура
    vector structure директивная[направленная]структура
    vesicular structure пузырчатая структура
    volcanic structure вулканическая структура
    winding linear parallel structure изогнуто-линейно параллельная структура
    xenoikic structure разновидность пойкилитовой структуры
    xenomorphic structure ксеноморфная структура
    zonal structure зональная структура
    * * *

    English-Russian dictionary of geology > structure

См. также в других словарях:

  • soil — soil1 soilless, adj. /soyl/, n. 1. the portion of the earth s surface consisting of disintegrated rock and humus. 2. a particular kind of earth: sandy soil. 3. the ground as producing vegetation or as cultivated for its crops: fertile soil. 4. a… …   Universalium

  • covered karren —    Any karren that is covered by soil. Draining water is oversaturated with respect to CO2 so that corrosion is extensive [3].    See also wave karren; root karren; cavernous karren …   Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology

  • Soil — For other uses, see Soil (disambiguation). A represents soil; B represents laterite, a regolith; C represents saprolite, a less weathered regolith; the bottommost layer represents bedrock …   Wikipedia

  • Soil contamination — Excavation showing soil contamination at a disused gasworks. Soil contamination or soil pollution is caused by the presence of xenobiotic (human made) chemicals or other alteration in the natural soil environment. This type of contamination… …   Wikipedia

  • Covered smut (barley) — Ustilago hordei Result of covered smut on oat (1) and barley (2), illustration published in M. Cilenšek: Naše škodljive rastline (1892) Scientific classification Kingdom …   Wikipedia

  • covered karst —    1. A fossil or currently developing karst in karst limestone which underlies superficial deposits or other rock, and which may produce landforms at the surface which reflect subsurface karstification [19]; contrasted with naked karst, which is …   Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology

  • buried soil —    Soil covered by an surface mantle of new soil material, typically to depths exceeding 50 cm; recent surface deposits < 50 cm thick are generally considered as part of the ground soil.    Compare: ground soil, exhumed, relict.    GSST & ST …   Glossary of landform and geologic terms

  • subaqueous soil —    Soil that forms in sediment found in shallow, permanently flooded environments. Excluded from the definition of these soils are any areas “permanently covered by water too deep (typically greater than 2.5 m) for the growth of rooted plants.”… …   Glossary of landform and geologic terms

  • soil-covered karst —    See subsoil karst …   Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology

  • Martian soil — is the fine regolith found on the surface of Mars. Its properties can differ significantly from those of terrestrial soil. The term Martian soil typically refers to the finer fraction of regolith, that which is composed of grains one centimeter… …   Wikipedia

  • San Joaquin (soil) — San Joaquin is an officially designated state insignia, the State Soil of the U.S. state of California.The California Central Valley has more than 500,000 acres (2,000 km²) of San Joaquin soils, named for the south end of that valley. This series …   Wikipedia

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